Access Keys:

Rush and Lusk Educate Together National School, Lusk, Co. Dublin


Dia daoibh. We are from the Coiste Gaelbhratach. We are helping to promote Gaeilge in our scoil. Every week, we will have a físeán nua (a new video) with frásaí nua. You will see us outside gach Aoine using Gaeilge. If you have any am saor during the day, can you watch our fiseáin, mas é do thoil é?

Slán libh,
An Coiste Gaelbhratach

Seachtain 9
Seachtain 8
Seachtain 7
Seachtain 6
Seachtain 5
Seachtain 4
Seachtain 3
Seachtain 2
Seachtain 1