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Rush and Lusk Educate Together National School, Lusk, Co. Dublin
Enrolment 2024/2025 We are now enrolling for the school year 2024/2025. Check out the admissions section of our website by clicking the link below. Alternatively you can call the office on 01-8430525 for further information. [Open Link]
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Junior Infants - Fiona & Gráinne

Have a look at all the amazing things that we do in Junior Infants!



26th Jun 2024
We went to Newbridge Farm on the Junior Infants school tour. It was a great day seeing...
26th Apr 2024
We used Beebots to map the story of Rosie's Walk.We visited the library and...
20th Mar 2024
We have had a busy few weeks in Junior Infants. We have been learning about Houses...
9th Feb 2024
In January, Junior Infants explored the topic of "People who help us."In the role...

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